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I;m Tired of All the Buttoning and the Unbuttoning and the Buttoning Again.

Englishman? Frenchman? Lord Byron? Apocryphal?

Honey Quote Investigator: The quotidian activities of life induce lassitude and even despondency in some people. I accept heard that an eighteenth century suicide note placed blame upon the following perpetual do:

I weary of all this buttoning and unbuttoning.

Is this tale genuine or apocryphal?

Quote Investigator: In 1758 "The Public Advertiser" of London printed a piece titled "On Life" by G. S. that highlighted the stupefying task of manipulating buttons. Emphasis added to excerpts: [1] 1786 Oct 23, The Public Advertiser, For the Public Advertiser: On Life by Thou. S., Quote Page 1, Column 3 and 4, London, England. (Newspapers_com)

Life as a repetition of the aforementioned dull, insipid routine of insignificant deportment of buttoning and unbuttoning, of sleeping and waking, of eating, and hunger returning, and these ditto, ditto repeated…

The commodity recommended spiritual religion and thoughts of Heaven to overcome unhappiness.

In 1792 a collection of anecdotes and wit published in London titled "Scrapeana: Fugitive Miscellany" edited by John Croft included a claim about a suicide note. The proper noun of the deceased was omitted: [2] 1792, Scrapeana: Avoiding Miscellany, Editor: John Croft, Quote Page 97, Sans Souci, London. (Google Books Full View) link

Colonel _______ shot himself, and left a paper on the tabular array expressing that he was grown weary of life, and tired of buttoning and unbuttoning, adding this poetry:

The very best remedy after all,
Is a proficient resolution and a ball.

The "ball" was probably a reference to early bullets which were spherical in that fourth dimension menstruum. QI does not know whether this story was based on an bodily event or only a morbid joke.

Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading Tired of Buttoning and Unbuttoning

Lord Byron? William Drummond? Marguerite Gardiner? Andrew Carnegie? Apocryphal?

Dear Quote Investigator: My favorite quotation is a brilliant tripartite observation virtually rationality. Here are 2 versions:

(one) Those who will non reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who cartel not, are slaves.

(ii) He, who will not reason, is a bigot; he, who cannot, is a fool; and he, who dares not, is a slave.

This saying has confusingly been ascribed to two very different individuals: romantic poet Lord Byron and Scottish philosopher William Drummond. Would yous please untangle this attribution?

Quote Investigator: In 1805 William Drummond published "Academical Questions", and the target quotation appeared in the terminal lines of the preface. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI: [one] 1805, Academical Questions past the Correct Honourable William Drummond Book 1, Section: Preface, Start Page iii, Quote Page 15, Printed by W. Bulmer, and Company, London; Sold past Messrs. Cadell and … Continue reading

Prejudice may be trusted to guard the outworks for a short space of time, while Reason slumbers in the citadel; but if the latter sink into a sluggishness, the quondam volition quickly erect a standard for herself. Philosophy, wisdom, and liberty, back up each other; he, who will not reason, is a bigot; he, who cannot, is a fool; and he, who dares non, is a slave.

Lord Byron should non receive credit for this maxim. There are two potential sources of confusion. Byron's major verse form "Childe Harold'south Pilgrimage" has normally been published together with notes. I of the notes for the 4th canto contains the quotation above. The words are credited to William Drummond, but devil-may-care readers may have reassigned the statement directly to Byron.

The other possible wellspring of defoliation is a book by Lord Byron'south friend Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington. She described at length her conversations with the poet, and she stated that Byron recommended Drummond'due south works while employing the quotation under analysis. Byron credited Drummond when he used the line, just devil-may-care individuals may have incorrectly credited Byron.

Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading He, Who Will Not Reason, Is a Bigot; He, Who Cannot, Is a Fool; and He, Who Dares Non, Is a Slave

Roald Dahl? Willy Wonka? Gene Wilder? Horace? Lord Byron? Horace Walpole? Hudibras? Samuel Butler? Bearding?

Dear Quote Investigator: The 1971 film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" was an extraordinary confection. The candy-maker Wonka played by Gene Wilder used numerous literary quotations while leading a tour of his factory. One scene took place in a room with geese that produced enormous golden eggs of chocolate. Each egg was analyzed past an "eggdicator" to determine whether it was a good egg or a bad egg. One parent on the tour considered the situation ridiculous, and Wonka replied to his skepticism with a quotation: [one] 1971, Movie: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory, Screenplay by Roald Dahl, Based on "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" past Roald Dahl, Released by Paramount Pictures, Quote Location: … Go on reading

Grandpa Joe: It's an educated eggdicator.
Henry Table salt: It'southward a lot of nonsense.
Willy Wonka: A little nonsense now and and then is relished by the wisest men.

Would you please trace this saying?

Quote Investigator: The popular English language author Roald Dahl published the children'south book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" in 1964. Dahl also wrote the screenplay for "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Manufactory" based on his book. The line spoken by Wonka in the movie is not in the 1964 book, but Dahl included it in the 1972 sequel called "Charlie and the Peachy Glass Elevator".

The earliest strong friction match known to QI appeared in the newspaper "The New-York Mirror" in 1823. The reviewer of a new melodrama called "Undine, or the Spirit of the Waters" did non consider it a serious work, but he enjoyed information technology and recommended it. Emphasis added to excerpts by QI: [2] 1823 Dec six, The New-York Mirror, and Ladies' Literary Gazette, The Drama: Undine, Quote Page 151, Column 1, Published by George P. Morris, New York. (Google Books Full View) link

Every bit a drama, it is non of the family of legitimates; but what then, who has not experienced the truth of that adept old couplet, that

"A footling nonsense, now and and then,
Is relished past the wisest men!"

The reviewer disclaimed credit for the expression by labelling it an "old couplet"; hence, earlier citations probably exist. Nevertheless, quotation good Nigel Rees deserves kudos for placing this valuable example in his compilation "The Best Guide to Humorous Quotations". [iii] 2011, The Best Guide to Humorous Quotations by Nigel Rees, (Updated, expanded, and revised version of "Cassell's Humorous Quotations", 2003), Publication Appointment: September 6, 2011, Topic: … Continue reading

Below are additional selected citations in chronological society.

Continue reading A Little Nonsense Now and Then is Relished by the Wisest Men

Lord Byron? Jacques Barzun? Robert Halsband? Apocryphal?

Dear Quote Investigator: On a Pinterest pin-board I saw a picture show of the famous British poet Lord Byron accompanying the post-obit quotation:

Letter of the alphabet writing is the but device for combining confinement with skilful company.

I would like to use this expression in an commodity, just I take not been able to observe a good citation. Would you lot please assistance?

Quote Investigator: QI has found no substantive evidence that Lord Byron (George Gordon Byron) crafted the statement above. The ascription was probably based on a error that will be explicated further below.

The earliest strong match located by QI appeared in 1953 in the introduction to "The Selected Messages of Lord Byron" which was edited and introduced past the prominent historian Jacques Barzun. Boldface has been added to excerpts: [1] 1953, The Selected Letters of Lord Byron by George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron), Edited past Jacques Barzun, Serial: Nifty Messages Series, Introduction: Byron and the Byronic in History past Jacques Barzun, … Keep reading

It is obvious that letter of the alphabet writing often gave Byron the opportunity to exist outrageous and gay in a degree that no civilized society allows. A letter is in fact the only device for combining solitude and good company. And for some obscure reason, letters are likewise the proper medium for caricature.

The original wording of the expression differed slightly from the popular mod versions. Barzun was presenting his viewpoint in this passage, and he was non using the words of Byron.

In October 1953 "The Saturday Review" published an examination of "The Selected Letters of Lord Byron" by the scholar Robert Halsband. He praised the introduction by Barzun and reprinted the statement under investigation. Unfortunately, the context was ambiguous, and QI believes that some readers incorrectly attributed the remark by Barzun to Byron: [2] 1953 October iii, The Sat Review, Writers Notes: A Poet's Letters by Robert Halsband, (Review of The Selected Letters of Lord Byron edited by Jacques Barzun), Start Page 36, Quote Page 52, … Continue reading

The introduction, even if read later the messages (which is a exam), stands out for its clarity and wit. Especially judicious is his distinction between the homo Byron and the time-spirit Byronism; equally a biographer and equally a cultural historian he does justice to both. His epigrammatic style is no disadvantage: "A letter is in fact the just device for combining confinement and good company."

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading A Letter of the alphabet Is In Fact the But Device for Combining Solitude and Skilful Company

Marker Twain? Lord Byron? G. K. Chesterton? Edward Bellamy? Humphrey Bogart? Leo Rosten? Tom Clancy?

Beloved Quote Investigator: There is a wonderful quotation by Mark Twain nearly the implausibility of truth versus fiction. Here are four versions:

ane) Why shouldn't truth exist stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
2) It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction must exist credible.
iii) Truth is stranger than fiction. It has to exist! Fiction has to be possible and truth doesn't!
iv) The difference between reality and fiction? Fiction has to make sense.

Would you please explore this topic and determine what Twain actually said? Some versions have been credited to humorist Leo Rosten and elevation-selling writer Tom Clancy.

Quote Investigator: In 1897 Mark Twain released a travel book titled "Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World", and the fifteenth chapter presented the following epigraph. Boldface has been added to excerpts: [1] 1897, Following the Equator: A Journey Effectually the Globe past Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens), (Chapter 15 Epigraph), Quote Page 156, American Publishing Visitor, Hartford, Connecticut; Also Doubleday … Continue reading

Truth is stranger than fiction, but information technology is considering Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't.—Pudd'nhead Wilson's New Calendar.

Pudd'nhead Wilson was the name of a fictional graphic symbol in a novel Twain published a few years earlier the travel book. Thus, Twain was the actual crafter of the remark given in a higher place. Over the years many variant phrasings have evolved.

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading Truth Is Stranger than Fiction, But It Is Because Fiction Is Obliged to Stick to Possibilities; Truth Isn't

Maya Angelou? Nathaniel Hawthorne? Thomas Hood? Richard Brinsley Sheridan? Charles Allston Collins? Anthony Trollope? Lord Byron? William Makepeace Thackeray? Anonymous?

Love Quote Investigator: Writers should strive to create texts that are informative, interesting, stimulating, and readable. Merely 1 of my favorite sayings reveals that this tin be a remarkably difficult task:

Piece of cake reading is damned hard writing.

I idea this adage was coined by the prominent author Maya Angelou, simply recently I learned that she credited Nathaniel Hawthorne. Would you please explore this statement?

Quote Investigator: This topic is complicated by the existence of two complementary statements that are often confused. Many unlike versions of these statements have circulated over the years. Here are two expository instances:

1) Easy writing results in hard reading.
2) Easy reading requires hard writing.

An extended discussion of the first maxim is available nether the title "Easy Writing's Vile Hard Reading" located here. This entry volition focus on the second maxim.

The earliest show of a strong match located past QI appeared in the London journal "The Archives" in 1837. The humorist, poet, and essayist Thomas Hood wrote a letter to the editor which was printed under the title "Copyright and Copywrong". Hood commented on the process of writing. In the original text the give-and-take "damned" was partially censored to yield "d__d". Boldface has been added to excerpts: [ane] 1837 April 22, The Athenaeum: Periodical of English and Foreign Literature, Science, and the Fine Arts, Copyright and Copywrong, (Alphabetic character to the Editor of the Archives from Thomas Hood), Beginning Page 285, … Go on reading

And firstly, every bit to how he writes, upon which head there is a wonderful diverseness of opinions; one thinks that writing is "as easy every bit lying," and pictures the author sitting carefully at his desk-bound "with his glove on," similar Sir Roger de Coverley's poetical antecedent. A second holds that "the easiest reading is d__d difficult writing," and imagines Time himself chirapsia his brains over an extempore.

Hood placed the adage between quotation marks suggesting that it was already in use. In fact, variant statements containing the phrases "difficult reading" and "like shooting fish in a barrel writing" were already being disseminated, and the expression probably evolved from those antecedents. Hence, apportioning credit for the conception of this maxim is a difficult task.

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading Piece of cake Reading Is Hard Writing

Richard Brinsley Sheridan? Lord Byron? Ernest Hemingway? Bearding?

Honey Quote Investigator: There are two complementary and intertwined statements about reading and writing that I would similar y'all to investigate:

one) Easy writing results in hard reading.
2) Piece of cake reading requires difficult writing.

Many different phrases accept been used to express these ii thoughts, and sometimes the phrases are confused with 1 another. The formulations in a higher place were selected to brand the 2 concepts more straightforward. Here is my gloss of the kickoff: If i composes a passage in an easygoing thoughtless way so the result will be difficult to read. My gloss of the second is: 1 must work difficult to compose a passage that a reader will be able to grasp readily.

Various well-known names accept been connected to these adages including: Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Lord Byron, Samuel Johnson, Maya Angelou, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Thomas Hood, William Makepeace Thackeray, Ernest Hemingway, and Wallace Stegner. Would you please explore the provenance of these sayings?

Quote Investigator: This entry volition focus on the first proverb listed higher up. A split entry for the second maxim with the championship "Easy Reading Is Hard Writing" is located here.

The prominent Irish poet Richard Brinsley Sheridan composed "Clio's Protest or, the Picture Varnished" in 1771 and it was distributed in 1772. Sheridan'southward proper name was not listed in the original publication which harshly satirized the efforts of a poetaster. The discussion "evidence" was spelled "shew" in the following excerpt: [i] Year: 1772 (Appointment of introductory letter of the alphabet Jan 26, 1772), Title: The Rival Beauties; A Poetical Contest, Poem Information: Clio's Protestation; Or, The Picture Varnished, Addressed to The … Keep reading

You write with ease, to shew your breeding;
But easy writing'southward vile difficult reading.

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Go on reading Easy Writing's Vile Hard Reading

Locale: San Francisco, California? Paris, France? Duluth, Minnesota? Milwaukee, Wisconsin?

Originator: Mark Twain? Horace Walpole? James Quin? R. Q. Grant? Lord Byron? Bearding?

Dear Quote Investigator: Living in Menlo Park near San Francisco I take heard the following witticism credited to Marker Twain many times:

The coldest winter I e'er spent was a summer in San Francisco.
The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco.

I really savour the conditions here, so this proverb ever seemed implausible to me. Also, the San Francisco Chronicle once printed an article that cast doubtfulness on the Twain attribution. Can you figure out who created this joke? Also, was the remark originally virtually SF or some other locale?

Quote Investigator: In that location is no evidence in the papers and speeches of Mark Twain that he ever made this remark about San Francisco. There is a letter of the alphabet discussed below from Twain in which he commented on a similar type of jest, merely he expressed unhappiness with the weather of Paris and not San Francisco.

Top-flying researcher Stephen Goranson located the primeval known show of this joke-type in a alphabetic character written by Horace Walpole, a prominent literary effigy and politician in England. Walpole attributed the remark to James Quin, a leading actor in London in the 1700s. This jest is distinct but it is closely related to the quip given by the questioner. The location of the cold weather condition was not specified. The letter of the alphabet was written during the summertime of 1789 in July [HWJQ]:

Quin, existence once asked if he had always seen so bad a winter, replied, "Yes, just such an 1 concluding summer!"—and here is its youngest brother!

This comical observation and its ascription reached the attention of Mark Twain who mentioned it in a letter in 1880 while criticizing Parisian climate. The text of the letter is viewable at the authoritative Mark Twain Project Online [MTJQ]:

… for anywhere is better than Paris. Paris the cold, Paris the drizzly, Paris the rainy, Paris the Damnable. More a hundred years ago somebody asked Quin, "Did you ever meet such a winter in all your life before?" "Yes," said he, "Final summer." I judge he spent his summer in Paris.

Several fine researchers have noted the existence of this letter linking Twain to the quip most common cold weather including Ralph Keyes [NGRK] [QVRK], Fred Shapiro [YQMT], and Barbara Schmidt [TQSF].

The modern phrasing of the saying was used by the outset of the 1900s, but the initial target of the barb was not San Francisco. Instead, the joke was directed at a genuinely frosty locale: Duluth, Minnesota. The Duluth News-Tribune in 1900 recounted a version of the maxim while using a belligerently defensive tone [DNDM]:

One of these days somebody will tell that mouldy anecdote about the finest wintertime he ever saw being the summer he spent in Duluth, and i of these husky commercial travelers, who have been hither and know all about our climate, will smite him with an uppercut and interruption his slanderous jaw. The truth will come out in time.

The above instance in 1900 used the word "finest" instead of "coldest". In June 1901 in a Kentucky paper an employee of the weather condition agency deployed a version of the proverb that closely matched a mod template. Once again the conditions in Duluth was the subject [KYDM]:

In a recent conversation with Mr. R. Q. Grant, of the State College Weather Bureau, a Herald reporter learned that the life of the employes of the United states Weather Bureau service is one filled with interesting experiences. …

Later Mr. Grant was sent to Pike's Tiptop, where he established the station now in that location. Another assignment was to Duluth, Minn., where he learned to capeesh rapid changes in temperature. He says the coldest winter he e'er experienced was the summer he spent in Duluth.

Over a span of more than ane hundred years many locations were substituted into this jest including: Milwaukee, Two Harbors, Grand Marais, Puget Sound, Buffalo, Minneapolis, and San Francisco.

Annotation that Marker Twain lived until 1910, so the expression was beingness used while he was still live. Yet, the words were not attributed to him in whatsoever of the early on instances. The first citation found by QI in which Twain'southward name was invoked was dated 1928 and the subject was Duluth. The details are recorded farther beneath.

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

Continue reading The Coldest Wintertime I Ever Spent Was a Summer in San Francisco
